Jorge Diaz, Operating Partner, joined the company in 2018 and works closely with Platform’s portfolio companies to help them achieve their goals. Currently, Jorge serves on the Board of Directors of Alliance Human Capital Management and Exact Payments, and is active with our Dynamic Glass investment. Jorge joined Platform after retiring from a successful, 24 year career at Fiserv, Inc. (Nasdaq: FISV). Fiserv is a global leader in financial services technology solutions and payments. He joined Fiserv in 1994 after selling the payment card business he founded to the company. Over his Fiserv career, Jorge worked in a variety of executive roles, including serving as President of Output Solutions and Vice Chairman, Strategy and Business Development, of the Billing and Payments group. Output Solutions issues digital and physical bills and statements and payment cards to thousands of clients. Jorge led this business from a startup to one with more than 2,000 associates serving thousands of clients and revenues of $1 billion. Outside of work, Jorge is active in his community and serves on the Board of WorkFaith Connection. In addition, Jorge enjoys spending time with his wife (Anna), staying physically fit and traveling.