ALM First Assists With Over Half of Industry Securitizations


Dallas, TX – January 18, 2024 – ALM First, a strategic partner for depositories offering commission-free, fee-based advice, has now assisted in more than half of all public industry securitizations, playing a role in seven of the 11 such transactions to date.

In Q4 2023, ALM First experts worked with Ent Credit Union ($9.8B, Colorado Springs, CO), Valley Strong Credit Union ($4.1B, Bakersfield), and Space Coast Credit Union (SCCU, $8.6B, Melbourne, FL) throughout their recent auto securitization processes.

In aggregate, ALM First served as a consultant on five credit union securitizations, and assisted from a capital markets perspective on seven of the industry’s eleven public securitizations completed since the NCUA’s June 2017 Opinion Letter affirming credit unions could conduct such transactions.

“Our clients turned to us with a pressing need for liquidity and we responded,” says Emily Hollis, CFA, CEO of ALM First. “By establishing a team at ALM First to work in tandem with internal efforts and hedge the loans, we were able to successfully expedite the securitization process in an advantageous market – getting these deals across the finish line sooner to benefit our clients and their members.”

“We believe in acting as a trusted advisor and are proud of the role we’ve played in industry securitizations to date,” says Travis Goodman, Principal of ALM First. “Our team has helped credit unions gain access to a broader investor market and profitably access liquidity. ALM First has also added value by providing insights regarding where to price new loans for sale and executing hedging strategies to lock in margin.”

Interested credit unions may learn more about securitization advisory, ALM First’s Loan Transaction Network, and other services by contacting the firm.

About ALM First
ALM First was founded in 1995 as a strategic partner for depositories, offering an array of financial advisory services. The firm’s expertise in asset/liability management, fixed income portfolio management and hedging, has allowed it to deliver deeper insights into financial institutions’ balance sheets, strengthening their financial performance and building efficiencies. With approximately $70 billion of investments under management (as of December 31, 2023), ALM First Financial Advisors is an SEC-registered investment advisor, acting as an unbiased third party, offering commission-free, fee-based services to over 300 financial institutions across the country. In recent years, ALM First Group has expanded to include several wholly-owned subsidiaries including DDJ Myers, an ALM First Company and ALM First Executive Benefits, LLC. Driven by client needs, we now offer executive recruitment, strategic organization, board development, tailored executive benefits solutions and more to help financial institutions optimize their greatest assets – their people.

About Platform Partners LLC
Founded in 2006, Platform Partners LLC is a private investment company based in Houston that makes investments in lower middle-market companies with the intent of growing these businesses into industry leaders through a combination of organic and acquisition growth. Platform invests through a perpetual holding company structure allowing for a long-term, patient approach to partnering with entrepreneurs to build companies. The company manages total assets of approximately $950 million. For more information, please visit platformllc.com.
